Here's what people have said about Ultimate Racer

We have reviewed your program Ultimate Racer 3.0 3.0.29.b1 and we were so impressed that we decided to give you our exclusive award *excellent *!
George, DownloadRoute.com editor
Hi thanks for this program it is great race manager.
So I just wanted to give a big thank-you to all those folks who have contributed to this project.
Thank you again.
Looks like a great software you have made here!
best regards
René Christensen
Merci pour le développement de votre logiciel qui me donne beaucoup de plaisir a exploiter.
Dans sa version 3.0.27r2 qui est la plus aboutie je peux enfin faire fonctionner mon circuit sur une, deux ou trois pistes sans aucun problème.UR marche sur une vieille machine equipée de windows 98 SE (doucement mais surement) vu l'engin.
Merci encore et bonne continuation pour votre musts car on peut l'appeler ainsi.
Michel (babe 11)
What can I say, thank you very very much!!
Looking forward to this.
I knew it right away when I first saw URacer that this is the one and only race management software for our slot-car world!
Thanks again guys
Well guys – I have been writing and using DOS based software for slotcars for years now and you have just blown me out with your programme – fantastic
I have been thinking about seeing how to move to XP with the software – this does it all and more. The fact that Ultimate Racer 3.0 can be personalised to suit your own track and requirements is a big bonus.
Data collected by using car and driver details is a very useful tool for establishing and maintaining records of performance
Steve (The wizard)Stewart
This is an awesome program, played around with it a bit and figured out all kinds of features that I didn't know were available. Basically I found everything I thought the program lacked and much more.
Big Thumbs UP!!
Gracias por este estupendo programa, merci de cette magnifique logiciel (je ne suis pas sure de mon francais)
Great product, it is a lot better than RMS.
I tell everyone to use this.
Thanks again.
Je viens de découvrir votre logiciel, je tenais a vous feliciter car il de loin le meilleur programme que j ai pu essayer. Vraiment tres complet, il y a tout ce que j attendais d un soft de Slot.
I must say that I really like this program! It seems to have almost everything in it.
D'abord merci de m'avoir répondu, grâce à tes indications nous sommes
parvenu à faire tourner ton programme. Je suis en train de le découvrir et
je commence à m'y familiariser. Un seul mot:"chapeau", c'est super, c'est ce
que je cherche et dire que je ne savais pas que ça existait!
Pour l'instant, je chipote dessus la nuit dans mon bureau et il n'est pas
encore relié à un système de détecteurs. Je dois encore le fabriquer et je
vais opter pour le "Ehanced infra-red System"que tu décris sur ton site. Je
suis en train de concevoir un circuit 4 pistes.
En tous cas encore merci pour ton aide, et félicitation pour ton prog, à 39
ans je découvre que je ne suis pas le seul grand dadais à me passionner pour
le circuit routier.
Et comme dit Jean-Claude
Rudi Hennaut
I recently discovered and downloaded Ultimate Racer and am very very pleased with it.
It has been one of my slotrace wishes for some time to have a computer program to design a racetrack, and now I found one. I own about 40 metres of Fleischmann racing track and about 12 standard Fly Ninco and Scalectrix lmp type cars. When building a track in the past there were always bits and pieces leftover, and I think that with Ultimate Racer I can design the track that will leave nothing unused.
I haven't had time yet to discover all the possibilities of your program since I've been busy designing all sorts of tracks.
An enthusiastic Ultimate Racer Fan from Holland
Steef Piët
First of all congratulations for your GREAT software UR30. In second place excuse me for my poor english.
Thank you for read this, and for an excelent software for races management.
Bye and thanks for all